Who is your overall favorite guitarist?

At 44 years of age, I personally feel fortunate to have lived in an era along with some of the finest guitarists who have ever lived. I have always had an overwhelming love of music. As I look back to my earlier years of music appreciation (I took formal piano training for 17 years) I remember how my instructor would suggest exposing myself to the many different styles and disciplines of music.

These were such valuable words of wisdom. Considering the fact that this suggestion, more or less, forced me to be more open to musicians other than those that played in strictly rock and roll bands.

Wow, was I surprised to find that I could be as entertained by Chet Atkins and Les Paul as I could be by Ritchie Blackmore or Carlos Santana. Just think about some of the finest from our time. Jimi Hendrix, John McLaughlin, Robin Trower, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Eric Johnson, Steve Howe, Al DiMeola, the list could seem almost endless. All such incredible musicians.

Although it's very hard to pick one person or style in particular, let's remember the key words, "overall favorite".
I would probably have to say that my overall favorite would have to be Steve Morse (from Dixie Dregs fame).

Who is your favorite?

I think we agree on a lot:

I'm with you on the beauty of overdriven, low output amps. I don't play a ton of electric guitar these days, but when I do it's either thru a 12 watt (dual 6v6) Nolatone Rotten Johnny or a 20 watt Swart AST (same output tube config). Give me that creamy, overdriven 6v6 sound and I'm happy.

My issue with Fender amps is the one you ID'd: They're usually too loud to get the tone I want at the volume I want. The low powered Fenders that I've played have usually been equipped with EL-84s, which work great for rhythm parts IMO, less satisfying for lead. The classic 6L6 equipped Fender amps usually have too much power/headroom to get the break-up I want at reasonable SPLs.

These days I just usually stick to my acoustics.
There is one Fender combo amp I hope I never have to play with again---an early silver-face Twin Reverb. OMG what an obnoxious amp! I auditioned with a band in '71, the guitarist of which had that amp facing me with a Guild Starfire plugged into it. The audition included some pretty long jams (in the literal sense, not like kids use the term now), the last one maybe an hour long, ending just as the sun came up. I was shocked and then terrified when the guys started talking, and I couldn't hear a word they were saying. My ears had closed down to protect themselves from the piercing brightness of that guitar/amp combination. I have moderate tinnitus from a lifetime of nights like that (I started wearing protection---custom molded plugs with attenuators---in my early 30's, but by then a fair amount of damage had already been done).

Luckily, I was soon playing with guys who had Telecasters and Deluxes (though an even smaller amp, like the Vox AC15, would have been even better), and now play Martin acoustics (even a bass!). The guitar I want now is a Gibson J-200, a great acoustic for chords/rhythm.
I would wager the actual sound (not the rated watts) of an AC-15 is louder than a Fender Deluxe. I have owned both.
If you're looking for a J-200, you should try to find a Kopp Trail Boss to compare. Kevin Kopp is an ex-Gibson guy who makes great (and unfortunately very expensive) variations on the standard Gibson models. The Trail Boss is his take on the J-200, but he adds a 12 fret neck. It ends up sounding like a (very beautifully finished) J-200 on steroids. You do give up some upper fret access, tho. Either way, if you can find one to try (and that's tricky given the very limited distribution) the Trail Boss is a very cool instrument.

BTW, Rainsong does something similar in carbon fiber body. Not nearly as cool looking, but a great sounding guitar at not much more than half the price of a J-200.
I'll look into those Marty. I have been meaning to go play the Epiphone version of the J-200, which is pretty cheap, though how it sounds I don't know.

Tostado, I've never heard an AC-15 by itself, only as a group of amps. Speaking of which, have you ever seen Ry Cooder live? He has a whole pile of little combo amps, switching between them for different songs. I saw/heard him with Little Village, and his playing was just fantastic. Ry is probably my all-around favorite guitarist, now that I think of it.