Album which you have listened to most?

We all have favourites and we all keep going back to them every now and then. Some maybe permanently lying next to our systems and have been for years.

Is there an album or two or three at the most which gets most of your attention and is played on your system most often? Not necessarily the best sounding but the one which you are emotionally attached to.

I thought I would ask for a single album but to make it easier for all you may name three of them.

If you have have had the album for more than five years, it qualifies for inclusion here.

The reason I decided to post this message is because I am interested in buying something interesting and if there are only ten people responding it means 30 albums for me to be on the lookout for.

Thanks a lot for your input (if you have read this far I know you will post your three albums also) :-)
1.) Kind of Blue- Miles Davis
2.) Strollin'- Chet Baker
3.) These Are The Vistas- The Bad Plus

All of these are Fantastic!. Also liking some I see from other respondents... like Brubeck, Monk and Metheny. Good to know others out there are listening to jazz.
Italian vinyl dealer came into our store here in Atlanta last week looking for southern rock told me there was not that great a demand in Europe for jazz anymore. Gotta' think he's wrong.
Post removed 
Ahmad Jamal - "I remember Duke, Hoagy & Strayhorn" on Telarc. Great, natural sounding piano recording and an outstanding performance.

Andre Previn & Thomas Stevens "play a classic american songbook" on DRG. An unusual combo of trumpet and piano by two excellent performers - great late nite listening.

Shirley Horn - "I thought about you" on Verve. A live performance - classic Horn.
Are you finding out how NOT objective the public's taste is, and how EVERY subjective it is :-)

For instance, Time Out, and Kind of Blue are not that great (I do have them in my collection). Just popularly thought of in that way. There has always been a cultural phenomenon about what is selected by the public to be revered. It never makes any sense. The phenomenon is just accepted, especially by marketers.

Like the Mona Lisa. If that painting is so great, why is it that forgers create copies so close to the original that it take lasers, xray, and chemical analysis to determine the forgery from the original. It is almost superstitious. One guy made one painting and it is somehow superior to ALL others?

Kind of Blue is one of the first attempts at model structure. By a guy who was already accepted by the public as the jazz authority. I am sure many other virtuoso artists did not agree that he should singularly hold that title.

A classical DJ did a special feature on his show. He played examples of some of the very best performances ever recorded. He played artists who were, for one reason or another (appearance?), never accepted by the public for their superior talent.

Have you ever heard of Nina Simone? Who sang better? How about 'Eddie who?'...Eddie Harris. He said, 'if I don't have the chops, come and blow me off the stage. But no one ever does. Yet I am thought of as not so good a player.'

Beethoven and Mozart both had trouble with public acceptance. Check out the movie 'Amadeus'. It tells this story.

You may as well just give in to your own subjectivity and select music that touches you in some special way when listening to the radio.

You will never get a straight response, or a rational view, from the public. At one memorable moment in history the Dutch were paying a small fortune for a tulip bulb.

Though they do make very good employees, voters, and customers, and are made good use of by those who want to rise above it all. (Bill Gates? He did not create anything. He purchased DOS from a couple of guys you created in their garage, went to IBM, and the rest is history :-)

Be yourself. Its the best you can do.
Yes, just said what I was thinking.

This thread shows the many variety of tastes out there.

On a similar thread a while ago, 'everyone' mentioned Peter Gabriel's "UP" album. Welllll, I just hadda have it! Bought it....put it in the ole CD player and....YUCK!

Other occasions, did same, and LOVE the music (Steely Dan's latest "2 against Nature")

Well, I guess it just shows to go you different strokes....etc.

Now then, MY personal favorites (for what it's worth)....

1) Finger Paintings by Earl Klugh
2 Parkening Plays Bach by Christopher Parkening
3) Into Dark by Andrew York

These would be 3 to get into if your collection has no classical guitar. Earl Klugh plays with a quartet...Parkening is strictly solo classical guitar that on the Bach album sounds like God himself is guiding his hands....and Andy is the best contemporary writer/performer for classical guitar of our time, performing his own songs and also an interpretation of the Bach Cello Suite. His creation "Sunburst" is worth the price of the CD and has been recorded by the most famous world class guitarists of today.
