Guilty Pleasures

Okay. We're not talking about the stuff that will get you arrested. Or that causes pain to man or beast. Just the kind of habit that might earn you the consternation of your friends, colleagues, or audiophile buddies.

What slightly bizarre behavior gives you that twinge of guilt. Is it that you still enjoy disco? Do you have the entire Barry Manilow catalog? Do you occasionally put dirty records on the table without washing them first? Are all your friends into grunge, while you're a closet cool jazz freak? Is Britney your idol? Or the Backstreet Boys?

Time to 'fess up. The music police have you under surveillance.
Being both a confirmed car nut and lover of "oldies" music; one of my favorite pleasures is taking my Corvette out for a drive with the top off and the CD player blasting out some of my favorite tunes.
In particular I really love the soundtrack from "Grease" -
"You're The One", early Elvis and the Four Tops.

Not quite ditties, but my brother made (well, I think he made) a CD a few years back of 60's TV theme songs entitled "Soundtrack From A Wasted Youth". If you'd like a copy pm me...

Nothing can tune an air guitar like Surfin' Bird / The Trashmen, though Dirt Track Date / Southern Culture on the Skids definitely runs with the big dawgs!!!

Flying Lizards? Geez, been awhile....
Some smooth Jazz, but only for so long before Mickey and and all his rodent friends line up in the hall-way begging for more.