Which Beethoven's symphony do you like the best?

And Why?

I have asked this question to many. The answer is always inconclusive. So I think I will try this here. Thank you in advance for responding.

Also, it would be interesting to know which composition do you like the best?
I love all Beethoven symphonies and have 8-9 complete sets, my favorites are symphony 7,8 because I think these have the more interesting and enjoyable middle movements which make these two the best overall for me.

I think for performances I prefer the newest modern sets which were influenced by period instrument performances of late 1980's (ie Norrington, Hogwood, Gardiner), tempos are genrally faster and textures clarified:
Abbado/DG 2000
Zinman/Arte Nova
I've been always thinking of Mozart's repeating a light chamber Baroque of Vivaldi, Corelli, presenting nearly nothing new in his simphonies while taking Bethoven in general as one of the most innovative and forwarded composers of that time who actually stepped off the classical conservatizm and embedded the instruments he wanted to develop a music. Choral 9th is a large step towards being even more innovative to include voice and lyrics.
Marakanetz...Yes, Beethoven was innovative, in fact that was the major criticism of him in his own time.
If you think that Mozart was not creative you need to do some more thinking. If "inovation" is the key to Beethoven then "creativity" describes Mozart. As one very very simple example: look what he did with "twinkle, twinkle, little star".
Amen Eldartford, creativity and an endless stream of musical ideas indeed! That is his appeal to me. Yes Beethoven was innovative and was influenced by the political climate of his time which fomented the metamorphis from Classical to Romantic. I love the music of both but for completely different reasons. No need to debate such greatness, just be thankful for what they left us and lets not forget, this IS about your favorite Beethoven symphony.
For symphony, and for myself, any Beethoven is better than Mozart. It is not a fair comparison, because Mozart probably never hear the last few ones by Beethoven. Mozart did many beatiful music. But as far as symphony or piano sonata, IMHO Mozart did not get to the same level as B's. My friend, a Mozart fan and entry level classical lover, once told me that the reason Beethoven's are famous is because he wrote more symphony than Mozart. He did not know that there are >40 pieces done by Mozart. He can recall many Beethoven's work and never really remember Mozart more than one. That's a Mozart fan! I agree that Beethoven is more "innovative", every piece sounds so different and you remember them individually so clear even you are not a classical fan. Beethoven's music has strong love, hate, toughness, peace .... inside. Mozart never touches me in the way Beethoven does. Those strong feeling can easily be picked up by beginnier. Many love them even more after getting ages. Many (or I should say most) conductors picked 9th as their last performance as they retired. His symphony moved more people than others. Check this thread, and you know the ratio.