Which Beethoven's symphony do you like the best?

And Why?

I have asked this question to many. The answer is always inconclusive. So I think I will try this here. Thank you in advance for responding.

Also, it would be interesting to know which composition do you like the best?

Newbee...As usual this thread has strayed far from its original intent. I did identify my favorite, the 5th, as per the question of the thread. What stirred up all the talk was my suggestion that the others are not up to their godlike reputations, and I suggested Mozart as an equally good (sometimes better) composer. Of course that judgment is subjective, but I am not alone in my view.

As to the specific features that bother me, I referred to a "pompous" character, and I have in mind particularly the choral movement of the 9th. (Some other parts of his symphonies are beautiful). Also I expressed the more specific comment the choral movement begins well but lacks a satisfactory development. It was certainly innovative of Beethoven to introduce a chorus, but just imagine what Mozart would have done with it!

I vote with Pragmatist. My personal favorite is the 6th. The moods the movements evoke in me remind me of spring, meadows bathed in various shadings of new green, drenching thunderstorms that freshen the air, making everything light, sweet and new.
My favorite at this moment is 7th by C. Kleiber. I think we should start another thread to talk about Mozart. No point to talk about other composer in this thread, isn't it?
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Tubegroover, I think all it comes to personal taste. I perfer Mozart's 35/36th over Jupitor. To me, 35 and 36 are more "Mozart". More nature sounding as Mozart's style. If I overplay Jupitor, maybe I will remember more melody. But the music never push me strongly enough to overplay it (I may have 3 different Jupitor recordings). But even then, I will not put them over Beethoven, Mahler, Bramhs,... I am talking about symphony. I love Mozart's opera too. But we are talking about symphony, aren't we?