Ryan Adams-more than hype

Just a few notes about Ryan Adams an artist I think many Audiogoners would enjoy but might avoid due to the hype surrounding him and indeed the adverse publicity.
Indeed one member told me he avoided him due to this name being too similar to Bryan Adams!

Who is he?
He's thirty this year, born in Jacksonville,NC was the main man in alt-country band Whiskeytown and has been an acclaimed solo artist since 1999.

Is he good?
He's the real deal but more of that later.

Why the bum rap?
He is something of a wonder kid,songs seem to pour out of him at an amazing rate in a wide range of styles so part of the negativity to me is jealousy.
However he has a self-destructive streak, problems with drugs an alcohol have featured in his life at times.
Occassionally on stage he's been an idiot but I do believe he is 100% genuine,his gig recently in Glasgow was a joy to watch,it's easy to see he's a little misunderstood.
If occassional bad behaviour(and it's minor) was a barrier in chossing music to listen to our collections would be mostly empty.

The music?
Awesome in places,he's the closet to a modern day (younger)song writing genius we have.Part of his problem is he creates so much music that he must find it difficult to find the right presentation for it.
Who does he sound like?
He has country roots (he did a spectacular To Miss Someone in Glasgow,he has an amazing voice when he goes plaintive)with an occassional rockier edge-he can evoke memories of everybody from Dylan,Van Morrisson, The Band,Gram Parsons,Cash, and his new record The Smiths and U2.
He can sound like a magpie at times but what saves him,makes him special is the quality of the songs.

What should I buy?
Probably Gold is the place to start-arguably his most mainstream record,listen to it and don't dismiss it because of the influences,let it breathe and you will hear a very very special talent.
I would also state I'm no expert,like any artist there is an underground network of bootlegs,unreleased songs etc.-I'm sure if the rumours are true some of his best stuff is still in the can.
If you can try to hear some of his most beautiful songs like La Cienga Just Smiled from Gold or indeed Dear Chicago from the otherwise poor Demolition and tell me I'm wrong.
Hey Y'all,

Niravp, thanks for the info. I just purchased 2 tix for the 10/1 show at the Beacon. I was turned on to Mr. Adams by Tireguy and I was very excited to hear he would be in town. I can't wait........John

Do you know if the Beacon is General Admission? I already have tickets to the 10/1 show as well and have a few friends that are interested in joining me. If its not assigned seating, they can just buy tickets and meet me (I'm coming in from Boston; my friends are at NYU's law school).

The Beacon seems like a fantastic venue, btw.

Hey Nirav,

I just checked my tickets and they are assigned seating........John
Yeah, I saw the seat numbers on my tickets as well. But I thought I should ask, since the words "General Admission
were on the Ticketmaster website, and all the tickets were priced equally.

As a side note, a friend of a friend is selling his front-row tickets on ebay (these tickets are for Ryan at the Beacon on 10/1). Last time I checked they were up to $207.