Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon. How many listenings? The number is legion. The sparse drumbeats are to die for. Odd conversations seem to come and go in the mix. It's a timeless blending of desire and despair.
The Beatles, White Album. Could you get more diversity on a rock album? It seems to cover every mood of the twentieth century. Wimsical at times, spooky at times, lovely and satirical too. This set has it all.
Spirit, The Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus. It does play like a journey through a madman's mind. Lucid at times, and hypnotically deranged in some passages, this one doesn't let up. Recorded (somehat roughly) in 1970, this may be the swan song of acid music.
The Beatles, White Album. Could you get more diversity on a rock album? It seems to cover every mood of the twentieth century. Wimsical at times, spooky at times, lovely and satirical too. This set has it all.
Spirit, The Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus. It does play like a journey through a madman's mind. Lucid at times, and hypnotically deranged in some passages, this one doesn't let up. Recorded (somehat roughly) in 1970, this may be the swan song of acid music.