Tom Waitts Where do I begin?

In NY, FUV, one of our small, cozy, radio stations has been doing a special through the day on Tom Waitt's music. I'm a believer, now. Where do I begin? Can you give me some albums to start with? thanks in advance. peace, warren
Oh Uppermidfi... are you still struggling to understand those Donna Summer lyrics?
Uppermidfi could possibly change his moniker to "Lowerlevelatormusic". Now back to the question: I feel that there are three periods in Wait's music, although you will not find any great line dividing them if you were to listen to all his albums in chronological order. His early work is that of the singer/songwriter with folk roots, the second is a more urban beat poet-type thing and the third, the more mature Waits with its own dark and quirky side, is the hardest for a lot of folks to appreciate. I recommend his first album if you want to hear his early stuff as a baseline of sorts; "Nighthawks at the Diner" (an early live in the studio album) is a must for his "beat poet" stuff; "Swordfishtrombone" marks the beginning of the mature and often difficult to appreciate period, so no one should judge on a first listen. More recently "Mule Variations" is a must. I guess I am a Wait's fan. Not Pablum in any way, so, I fully agree: all Donna Summer fans should look elsewhere. Interestingly, his voice has gone steadily downhill in singing terms, while gaining so much in expressiveness: just goes to show you that music and “nicey-nice” sounds are not necessarily bound to each other.
Excellent recommendation Smokester! "Temptation" is a fantastic album, both in performance and acoustics (great soundstaging on that one). John Hammond Jr.'s album "Wicked Grin" is also an excellent collection of Waits covers.
