klipsch speakers,be honest

here's the deal,i have khorns & cornwalls,i struggled with the sound from them for what seems like a life time,i took some very sound advice from fellow ag members & it really paid off,it seems as im listening to them for the 1st time,i cant believe how good the sound is,anybody else ever been suprised by how good a pair of klipsch can sound when they are set up properly.

even if you hate klipsch speakers i can take it just dont bash them without an explaination of why you hate them,
be honest,i wont get offended.
Perhaps the most realistic music reproduction I have ever heard was an excellent recording of Sousa marches played through a pair of Khorns, using excellect electronics in a dedicated room. The Tubas would flap your trouser legs, and the trumpets blazed forth from the midrange horn driver.

And this from a Maggie fan!
Read what ole J. Gordon himself had to say about Klipsch in the current stereophile.

Biggest audio mistake I made was selling my 4 JBL L200's when I left the quad revolution. They still make me Horny!!!!

As long as your enjoying them, that's what counts.

Have Fun.
I only got rid of my cornwalls and heresys to make the wife happy. Took up way too much real estate.
Honestly though, you need a seriously massive room to get good imaging out of them.
sean,the tips that i got came from jax2 in a previous thread,my khorns were never an issue,man do they sound good,
the cornwalls were a pain in the ass to get to sound like anything,they sounded almost flat so i took marcos advice & concentrated on the xovers & after i swapped the xovers the sound was 100% better,not just better but true with complete seperation.

loontoon,i believe that you are correct about the amps.
to me the tube vs ss issue is purely a matter of the quality of your amps, i have ran tubes with great success but i have also had great results with ss due to the fact that my amps are a great match,im 1 of the die hard mcintosh fans, everybody has their own opinion on great amps
& as mcintosh has always been good to me i stick with it.

eldartford,your description of the khorns you heard took the words out of my mouth,i run the khorns & cornwalls in quad & the total sound that im getting now has flabergasted
me,i have never heard anything sound so true to life,last evening i listened to miles davis bitches brew which is my favorite album & even after hearing it thousands of times i was floored during miles runs the voodoo down.

the reason i wrote this thread was beacuse my gear far out classes or far out spends(which ever you prefer)my speakers
& when i couldnt get the sound i wanted i thought i needed to change speakers but now that im in love with the sound again i have lost the urge to get into another quest for perfection,i wanted to hear some other peoples experiences with klipsch just to make sure that in my moment of glory i wasnt hearing things that werent there,at this point im gonna stick with my current rig & speakers & just listen while im happy with everything as its been a long time scence i sat & listened without finding fault in somthing in my system.

thanks to all with special thanks to jax2,regards, mike.
My experience from having sold Klipsch's over the last 10 years, as well as owning them, is that "they got potential"...I'll say that. The pressence and sensitivity of these horn speakers offers a "you are there" feeling and effortlessness to the sound that "has something" indeed.
I've gotten excellent sonic results simply using cheeper SB series Klipsch's with tube gear in the past. On other occasions, with most standard midfi and even higher end SS gear, I've not gotten such great results often!..but depended.
What I'm saying is that I really wish the Klipsh's I've encountered/dealt with were more refined and musical sounding, like many of the ultra high end speakers I've also sold over the years(Wilson,Thiel,Magnapan,etc, etc)!
What I've noticed, as mostly budget parts with Klipsch's is "harshness, lack of refinement, often foreward even bright sound (although most of the midfi klipsch's aren't bright, just ragged and plain sounding, if just warm tonally).
I've heard so many times people mention "crossover upgrades" for Klipsch's(at least higher end K's). I would very very very much like to know more about this! Does it work?..with what specific Klipsch's??? Also, where do you get the crossover upgrades?
My wishes over the years has indeed been some way to improve the Klipsch's. Or at least that Klipsch would come out with some more refined higher end offerings! Still, I've gottend good results tinkering with their budget line...often prefering it to anything else they've made.
The older higher end line (K-horns, Lascala's, etc, whatever) I've never heard sound good yet, but I can tell the potential!
What I like about horns is their dynamic ease, relative detail, pressence, authority, and focus! AS a passive design, horn speakers from Klipsch can do wonders as passive counterparts to a good HT system at the very least!...dynamic, dynamic, dynamic!..and very involving, upfront, and surefooted sounding, if not just plain fun!
Many of the standard high end speakers just are too laid back, in-efficient, polite, and weak sounding for HT dubties, in all but the smallest of room settings, with perfect acoustics! Horns just have some excellent advantages!(like Avantgarde's...which drop off like a rock wshen you listen "off-axis"!..really the sound just goes away!...making seating critical for enjoyment).
I really wish someone would give me "the whole low-down" on the Klipsch mod's and "upgrades" for the crossovers and such! Anyone?...