favorite SOPRANO?

Who are some of your favorite SOPRANO's and/or CD recordings......something that absolutely melts you away.
Sofie von Otter. Her recording of Marianne Cantata w/ Goebel (Archiv 4D recording) is absolutely sublime. Her rendition of "He shall feed his flock like a shephard" is mesmerizing. She also has an Artist Album out that's beautiful as well.
I can't pick a specific artist as the BEST is all, but some of my favorite recordings that have not yet been mentioned would have to be:

Angela Gheorghiu's Ebben?... Ne Andro Lontana (La Wally)

Renee Fleming's O Silver Moon (Rusalka)

Caballe's Chi il bel sogno di Doretta (la Rondine)

you may want to go back many years to hear some good sopranos, such as lily pons and bidu sayao (i may be spelling her name incorrectly). renata tebaldi was no slouch. my point is listen to the stars of the 50s and 60s to hear vocal beauty.