Recommendation Lindley/Ry Cooder

I saw John Hiatt and David Lindley live last week and purchased the Cooder/Lindley Family live album.

It is great. David Lindley's wife joins on vocals and guitar and Ry's son joins in on drums. Good sound, great guitar work.

It is available at It is 50.00 for a two cd set which is steep and the packaging is a bit on the embarrassing side.

But the music is just great.

No conflicts of interest just enjoyed the stuff

Try Lindley and Hani Naser called "Playing Real Good, Vol 1"; think that is the title. There is a cover of Cale's "Tijuana" where Lindley's weissenborn steel work is captivating.

The other tune of interest is the opener titled "The Jimmy Hoffa Memorial Building Blues". It is one of the coolest little tunes I've ever heard.

"Some a surgeon made him look a little bit like Elvis,
Others say that he simply changed his name....
Where's Jimmy?"

Lindley also tours regularly with the Blind Boys and plays steel for them.
I have a couple of El Rayo X albums and enjoy him, but like him when he is not doing the schtick (sp?) party stuff. I love his string work and first found about him on the first four or five Jackson Browne albums.

That is why I like this album so much. Pure music, no party stuff. A great version of Mercury Blues as well. Like I mentioned above, pretty pricy.

He seemed a bit down after the concern when he was signing merchandise. He deserves better.

Both he and Ry deserve better, but that's the biz isn't it? Most folks never hear about the Lindleys, Cooders, Prines, Buffalos or - insert name here - of the music world. At least Cooder is getting some attention because of the Buena Vista adventure...
Am I missing something.............. I could not seem to locate the CD you are talking about on his site. I would love to hear it ............. Cooder is God and Lindley aint far behind.
It was up last week. I emailed the site and asked what happened to it. I will let you know the answer.

