Jazz Piano?

Alright, a few months ago I would have told you that I hate Jazz. I'm 24, I'm not supposed to like it. Problem is, my wife loves the stuff. So I'm watching MTV one day, and hear an interview with Jamie Cullum. I think, "Hey, here's something my wife will like, and something I could probably get into as well."

Turns out I love jazz piano. I've tried to listen to brass and guitar leads, but nothing hits me like piano does. Problem is, I don't have much of a collection-- none would be the more appropriate term. I need more.

So where should I start?
A great one to buy is "This One's for Blanton" by Duke Ellington and Ray Brown. Very accessible.
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The Smithsonian Collection of Jazz Piano is a great place to start. It takes you through the beginnings and all of the subsequent major movements in jazz, as well as some of its most important practitioners. The performances that they choose are great, and beautifully illustrate all of the stylistic elements that make jazz so cool to listen too. Indispensible.
Wow... plenty of responses. I'll have to start searching for some of the names. Should be fun.