Serenade 13 in G Not Ruined By Starbucks, Please
Recently on Itunes, I stumbled into Tchaikovsky's Quartet for Strings No 1 in D major and my wife thought it was just sublime and relaxing.
Hoping to download the CD, I was disappointed to discover that the track was taken from some cheesey
"Classical Music for Neurotic Yuppies Who Drink Coffe, Dont Know That Its Actually Baroque and Think Kenny G is Jazz" type of a CD.
As I glanced through the tracks on the compilation, it made me sad to realize that a lot of the music I actually used to really like, but thanks to shopping mall coffeehouse culture are all now horribly overplayed.
Eine Klein Nachtmusic, Handels Water Music, you know the list.
Therefore, could anyone please recommend some lush, soothing, suitable for waking up favourites of your own that I might add to my collection?
Anything that might be a little quirkier or more obscure? As usual, extra credit for great recordings.
Best Wishes.