Could somebody please explain

I know what the dictionary says that it means, but here's the problem....every so often - increasingly frequently because people are starting to know that I am into audio and even more into music - some aquaintance (ie., colleague, co-worker, friend of a friend, etc.) will hand me a CD and say something like: You have to listen to this disk, it's got heavy jazz/classical/latin/blues (pick one..or two) influences but it's hard to pin down just what it really is. It's very eclectic."

Invariably the disk is crap.

The disk is usually generously given to me by an individual who wouldn't know a pianissimo from a pinada, and I am left to wonder just what is meant by the "eclectic" designation. Here are some of the possible meanings under consideration:

1. I don't understand even a fragment of what is going on here musically, so this disk must be really good.

2. I paid good money for this thing and I hate it, so I'll try and pass it off on someone else and call it eclectic.

3. It sounds like world music, and world music is eclectic (the "peace, love, dope" approach).

4. It's eclectic and I like it, so if you don't, you're an idiot.

5. Since I listen to eclectic music you have to think that I am intelligent.

I often wonder what response I would recieive if I merely returned the disk and said" It's not eclectic, it's sh**. Stop worrying about it and go listen to some music you like."

Any thoughts?
AFAIK, eclectic just means unusual or difficult to catagorize. Lots of artists are eclectic; right now Im listening to Eddie From Ohio, filed under Pop/Rock at Borders, but I've heard folk, pop, Spirtual, and bluegrass so far this am on this one disk. Another perhaps would be Eva Cassady, moving from jazz to R&B to folk to gospel to blues.
I always's thought Frank Zappa was 'eclectic'. Perhaps 'eclectic' it is just 'genius' in disguise...
The Smokester: If Bartok clears your friends out of the room, it might be time to seek some more sophisticated listening buddies!
To the Bartok lovers that responded here: Anyone live in the SF Bay area? Want to have a Bartok fest? Bring over your best vinyl for a spin? Drop me an email.