Norah Jones?

Like probably many other A-Gon members I'm a sucker for great female voices. Of course being recorded well is a priority to feed my audiophile addiction. When I read threads recommending great female voices and recordings I rarely see anyone mentioning Norah Jones. I happen to think her music is excellent and very well recorded. I'm just wondering what the audiophile community thinks of her. With that said please keep the music tips coming. I have picked up alot of great cd's due to suggestions from this forum.

BTW....... I typically enjoy your humorous quips that I've read on various threads.

I like her a lot. She is a talent. I really like Keb Mo too. He might not have the best voice or musician but he is Unique and that part of talent I like.....the music. I don't like Rap Opera or some of the country twang ...... but just about any music if done well.....I like. I think I have spent a good bit of money to have a good system. I make the mistake sometimes of buying music just to hear it at home. But I think finding a whole album that is great can be rare. I think that is why the iPod and iTunes has done so well....... even though I think it is KILLING the next generation to good play back equipment. From what I understand it has affected the sales of SACD and DVD audio.