Any problems with Springsteens DualDisc?

I've got Springsteens new cd on order with Amazon and its a dualdisc, which, from what I've read does not quite meet Redbook standards. What should I expect? Damage to my Cary 303/200 or my Toshiba DVD player? What kind of sound quality?

I did do a quick search on the forums before writing this note, and I could not tell exactly whether the folks who wrote were experienceing problems with dualdisc or there was just anger in the perception that Sony was taking up the cause of dualdisc in place of SACD.

What's really going on?

>Chadnliz - Do I really need to post an example of his politics?

Yes, that's what I asked for: Examples of his "far left" politics. I don't think you have any such examples.

Now, if you're only joking then that's what I'll take your opinions for. (Of course, when I imply your political opinions are a total joke, I am only joking. So get over it, Benito.)
My Music Hall Maverick won't read this disc. My Sony XA-9000ES will read it sometimes.
I'm with Metralla. I don't support this format. I had to have one just to find out first hand, though.
I won't be buying any more DualDiscs.

Forget the politics ... why aren't you guys doing something about these damn DualDiscs. I am pissed off that these huge record companies are bringing in these new disc formats (DualDisc, Copy Controlled discs), regardless that they are not in compliance with the Red Book CD standards. Hence, it is not surprising that many of you can't play these damn things on your CD or DVD players. These companies have no regard for their legal consumers !!!!! And they wonder why people feel it is right to steal music ?
I got the DualDisc "Kind of Blues" by (you know who) and it played 3 songs on my Sony XA777ES and then just stopped. I gave up after that. Thom_y, I understand your frustration, but what the h#ll are we going to do. Business rules and we are peasants. We can't even put Michael Jackson away.
