How Big is Your Music Collection

Just wondering, how big is your music collection. This includes CDs, SACDS, DVDs, LPs.
I personally have 1000+ Cds, 0-SACDS, 60 DVD concerts, and 0-LPs. It is interesting to see you input.
Jack, I'm thinking of installing a sign above my front door:

"Public Library"

Probably 5000 LP's since culling out old junk rock and "non music" audiophile recordings.

6 master dupes, all of which are 10.5 inch reel @15 inch per second and half track. Some amazing music, including Aerosmith "Toys in the Attic," Duke Ellington "Blues in Orbit" and Billy Holiday. Wish I had more of these and working on it.

I have owned and culled through at least 10,000 LP's. During my lifetime I acquired a lot of music that I outgrew or was purchased spur of the moment, only later to realize it did not have staying power. My current LP collection is very important to me with no titles I could give up.

I recently began purchasing prerecorded open reel tape and have about 90, 7.5 inch per second quarter and half track's most of which are Jazz. Only 300 CD's and a hand full of SACD's.
Can you say OCD?
(+ or -) 10,000 LPs
(+ or -) 1,100 45s
(+ or -) 40 R2Rs
(+ or -) 125 CAS
(+ or -) 500 RBCD
(+ or -) 10 SACD
(+ or -) 25 HDCD
No, I'm sure I can make more room in the kitchen!
I have approximately 1700 LPs, 200 CDs, and 12 SACDs. The music contained within is priceless to me.