I don't find EMG quite up to TAN, but it sure is fun. I'd listen to either one 50 times before I'd make it all the way through Gaucho once. (Aja's still the peak.)
"Things I Miss the Most" is my favorite on EMG. But I don't find it so much poignant, like Jayboard, because it's so damned unromantic. He misses the talk, yes, and the sex (who wouldn't?), but it's clear that she was loaded, and the majority of what he misses are things her houses on Martha's Vinyard and the Gulf coast, the Audi TT, and yes those nice pans. (I prefer All-Clad myself.) He has the things he misses itemized, and they have little to do with her, but instead with her stuff. But I guess it can be unromantic and still poignant. Poor guy was having sex in the house on the Vinyard, and now he's curling up with a girlie magazine. Almost brings a tear.
"Things I Miss the Most" is my favorite on EMG. But I don't find it so much poignant, like Jayboard, because it's so damned unromantic. He misses the talk, yes, and the sex (who wouldn't?), but it's clear that she was loaded, and the majority of what he misses are things her houses on Martha's Vinyard and the Gulf coast, the Audi TT, and yes those nice pans. (I prefer All-Clad myself.) He has the things he misses itemized, and they have little to do with her, but instead with her stuff. But I guess it can be unromantic and still poignant. Poor guy was having sex in the house on the Vinyard, and now he's curling up with a girlie magazine. Almost brings a tear.