Any good Contemporary Christian recordings

I really enjoy contemporary christian music on the radio but have found the few cd's I purchased were lacking in fidelity. Any good recordings to recommend?

Marty, your post compelled me to look into some music in my library. Here's a few ditties on Jesus. Not exactly Christian bands though.
Chuck Prophet on Jesus

Tom Waits on Jesus

Jim White on Jesus

Cake on Jesus

Damn, no video or link to share for one of my favorites: "Thank You Lord", by Hellwood (a Jim White collaboration)

Back to the Christian bands, I'd point once again to two in particular if you are a fan of female vocals. These are two of my favorites. Your post prompted me to go on a video hunt:

Innocence Mission live from back in '95 when they used to open for The Cowboy Junkies, and a more current video (less acoustic and more produced, but Karen Peris voice is no less beautiful.

If you've never heard Over The Rhine, and you are a fan of female vocals, you are in for a treat.

Suitcase (short lead in giving some brief background)

The gorgeous song, Latter Days, with some homemade video (sorry, no official version online)