Question about Bach/Starker

I purchased a set of the Bach Starker Merury released by Speaker Corner Records. I took the first set back because it was very noisy. There is a lot of record rumble, I have to turn my REL subwoofer off to play the records. The second set is just as noisy. Has anyone else had this problem with the set of Lps.
No, this set is very quiet here. Same for two others members of our local audio group. Of course, there is always the famous truck driving by in the Suite 2 on SR90370...
Yes, I have listened to two sets and they all have the same rumble problem. I believe the rumble is part of the recording because it only existed in the music track, not the blank in between.

I also have the original Mercury LP, which does not have the same rumble problem. However, bass of the original Mercury was significantly rolled off compared to the Speaker Corner reissue. Personally I think the reissue sounded better with the stronger bass foundattion and being closer to what Starker's cello should sound like. Starker recorded the Bach suite on RCA again around 1970 and the cello in the RCA sounds just like the Speaker Corner reissue.