New Van Morrison disc

Just a note to let you all know that the new Van Morrison album is absolutely great!! It's called "Magic Time." Kind of bluesy, jazzy, great band, great songwriting. A really relaxing album to listen to, but not boring by any means. Maybe his best ever. You'll like this even f you don't like Van Morrison much. Plus it's well recorded. Get it!
Better than "Moondance"? Find that hard to believe. "Astral Weeks" was damn good, too...

Thanks. You saved me the time.
I agree, Wildoats. This album is very entertaining. No need to compare...just an album I can listen to again and again.
I bought the cd thought it was great but still My favorite Van Morrison is The Healing Game Cd!!!
On first play I said okay and put it away. Played it a couple of weeks later and realized the new Van Morrison is a really grew on me. After all, Van is Van. Good stuff.