Gold CDs sound Darker?

Can someone from the recording industry answer this post. I've stopped buying gold CD for they always sound darker compared to the normal grey ones. For similar song tracks on the normal CD's I'm able to hear more dynamics; better transients and sustained decay. Anyone having the same experience. Thanks to all in advance. Phil.
As far as a magnetic clarifier having an effect, "SHOW ME THE BITS!!". Has anyone done a comparison of the bit stream coming from an ordinary CD and that coming from the same CD after "clarification" (or any other tweak for that matter)? I'd like to see two factors assessed: the change, if any, in the actual set of 1's and 0's presented to the D/A, and the jitter in the D/A output clock. If these two characteristics are identical "before" and "after", why should the D/A output (and hence, the sound) be different, "before" and "after"?
Bedini has performed that test, but I doubt you'd trust their data. I don't need to see, because I can hear. Every time I played a CD, it always had more detail, dynamics and liquidity after the Clarifier (I played the same track before, and then after). The ones and zeros exist only there on the disc. When it comes time to read that data at warp speed, all kinds of things can and do happen. Try one yourself, if you don't beielve me. YOU HAVE NOTHNG TO LOSE, AND MUSIC TO GAIN...
Carl, if you and others say you hear a difference, I will grant you that. I'm interested in finding a comprehensible reason why. And seeing that you don't know me, please give me the benefit of the doubt for being fair-minded. Let's also recognize the potential for the placebo effect and/or wishful thinking coming into play when judging whether one's $179.95 plus shipping was well spent. Show me the bits.
I don't have the test equipment to "show you the bits". Buy it for me, and I'll show you, or else research it some more. I payed far less than that for mine. Also, don't blame me if you don't trust your own ears. This hobby is for those that do, like me. If you don't want to try one for yourself, then DON'T. I don't owe you any more than this, since I have no vested interest in selling you one. I mean, you seem to fall into that category that believes cabling and the like make no difference. Do you work for Consumer Reports? I hear they're hiring; I'm sure you'd be elated to work there. Good luck with that...