Best female vocals on CD

Want recommendations for Female recordings on CD. Thanks Joe
What a relief!! My taste in music is validated after all. It seems nobody in the general public recognizes my best tunes. This was a fun thread to cruise, many of my favorites have been mentioned repeatedly. Fortunately, I do have a couple of additions for your consideration:

Susan Werner..."Time Between Trains" and "Last of the Good Straight Girls" very fine recordings and a excellent voice. She is also great live, catch her for a wonderful envening.

Allison Krauss..."Forget About It" among others; often with the bluegrass band Union Station. Beautifully sweet, liquid vocals,and a damn fine fiddle player, too!

Kelly Flynt of Dave's True Story..."Sex without Bodies"; in the finest smoky lounge singer tradition ala Holly Cole or Sara K. And an amazing Chesky recording to boot.

So, there...cost you well under a hundred bucks, Enjoy.

Best regards
It will be interesting to summarize this thread to find out who got the most vote in these more than 300 openions.