Best female vocals on CD

Want recommendations for Female recordings on CD. Thanks Joe
I gotta repeat here my LOVE for Goldfrapp's vocals in the debut CD ' Felt mountain' . Simply gorgeous!
Without question or deliberation, no female vocalist can tug on my heartstrings moreso than Nancy LaMott. She sings with incredible control and expression. Her intonation is beyond reproach. No other vocalist (male or female) can get "inside" a tune quite like her. She was a Cabaret/Jazz singer who was making it bigtime in N.Y. city. Sadly, she passed away on 12/13/95 at the age of 43. If "standards" are your bag, no one can sing Mercer or Mancini better than Nancy. Her vocal material includes offbeat often forgotten tunes as well ("Rhode Island is Famous For You").
There is an indescribable "magic" in her voice...Don't miss out on one of life's late, great treasures. favorites nonetheless: Kate Bush (Hounds of Love may be her best); PJ Harvey (Songs From the her best); Jennifer Warnes (esp. Famous Blue Raincoat); Sarah Brightman; post-country k.d.lang; and what's-her-name Enya's sister from the old Clannad recordings, particularly the songs sung in Gaelic.
I left off Bjork! She's a love-it or hate-it affair for most folks -- I happen to love her music.