Great Acoustic Guitar Recordings

I've got a Michael Hedges ("Aerial Boundaries") and diMeola/deLucia/McLaughlin CD ("Friday Night In San Francisco"), and I'm looking to expand my collection. I truly enjoy the latter CD. Hedges is a little theedy-weedy for me though Any other suggestions you guys can turn me on to? Hedges is a little boring for my taste. Something that kicks over something entirely sedate is what I'm after. Don't get me wrong. I'm not looking for acoustic speed metal. ;) And try to hold off on the suggestions if there's singing involved. Other than that, hook me up with some new music to buy!
Try Dan Crary. This guy is great and can be found at most of the larger "record" stores under "accoustic/new age" section(s). He plays 6 and 12 string guitar accompanied by percussion and violin on some songs. Great, upbeat music and a great recording! IMHO his best album/CD is "Thunderation". On the Sugar Hill (I think a div of Windham Hill) label - released in 1991. You WON'T be disappointed!!! Tony
I'm sure any disc from Acoustic Alchemy would be a welcome addition to your collection. There early stuff is more mellow.Try "ARCANUM"(kind of a greatest hits disc) or "AGAINST THE GRAIN". No singing. High quality recording.
Try 'UCROSS' by Dean Peer on CLASSIC RECORDS. Music direct still carries this out of print CDS. GORGEOUS Elecric BASS (not acoustic) GUITAR MUSIC PLAYED BEAUTIFULLY.