Cat Stevens.... Great Artist or Wacko?

Just bought Cat's remastered CDs. Pretty impressive. It's a shame how much more great music he could of created. We all know the story, he chose another path. Where does he rank among writers of the 70's? With all of his recent interviews and VH-1's behind the Music, is he just misunderstood? Is he coming out for all these interviews to ultimately increase sales of all the recent remastered CD releases? No matter what is behind the man, in my opinion he ranks right up there with the 70's writers/singers and his music is everlasting through time.
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hi muljo, 1st, my response has *every* place in this thread - it's *EXACTLY* what the thread topic is about! 2nd, i have nothing against iran; i have persian friends; i had muslim roomates prior to getting married. let me repeat this, so there is *NO* understanding: *ANYONE* who believes that someone should be killed for what they write has *NO* integrity, imho. i don't care whether they are persian, muslim, or *WHATEVER*!!! i much prefer what the frenchman voltaire said: "i may not agree w/what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it." peace, doug
I agree with Sedond's right to post his response! The thread entitled Artist or Wacko allows for both sides of the equation to be discussed. I also believe that the artist left us with some wonderful music (although I am not a huge fan) but do believe that it is somewhat contradicted by his open support of the Shaw of Iran's call for Salmon's death. I guess the "Peace Train" is now parked at the station for good....