I have'nt checked the archives on this and maybe it's been said before, but I was just thinking, when was the last time I or other audiophile nuts like myself, just listened to the music( No Doobie Brother pun intended). I just recently sold my Quicksilver Mono blocks and sometimes I don't know what to do with myself because I bought a Sim Integrated amp and there aren't any tubes to change. I still manage to pull my speakers out and toe them in or is that out. No I think I'll put them back the way they were yesterday because I know that I noticed a little more bass, but I did notice that the speakers did image better when I pulled them out further. I just think I should sell this amp or get another tube amp because I can modify it by putting some of these extra tubes I kept just in case I bought another one. Well, at least for now I can keep swapping my 10 brands of inter connects to see if that makes a difference. It has to or else I wouldn't have so many pairs. If I can just save enough money for that new 24/96 dac, I'll have the perfect system. I dont have a digital cable so I'll see what Stereophile recommends. I think I'll get some room treatments to cure the brightness or just tear down my drapes to liven up the room. If I just kept those tubes everything would be O.K at least for another day. Am I alone in this or are there maybe one,two or maybe three hundred people who feel the same way as I do. The only time I really listen to music is at my friends house when he has his old Onkyo receiver and Pioneer changer going on random play. It may not sound great but it's fun and I can actually listen to a whole song. This audiophile business is a chore and a pain in the butt, but I would'nt change it for anything else in the world. How about you? Any comments?
Whatjda say that for? I get dear john letters every day! Eccentric I am. A genericized homogenized McDonaldland patronizing suburban-hell GAP worshipping drone I am not !
Chipster, thanks for one of the most creative and funniest threads yet. Some of this is way better than you could read in any audio mag. I'm sorry some of these ol' boys don't recognize tongue-in-cheek. By the way, in the spirit of true confession, I should admit that I seem to listen to the MUSIC better in my truck, with those aftermarket kick-butt Polk speakers, or during surgery where I have some PSB 400's aimed down from about 8' using a 1980's Sansui G7700 receiver and a Marantz cc-65 changer, all the while with a heart monitor's constant (hopefully) beeping in the background. Can I join the club? Charlie
I listen to the music. Unfortunatly I buy music that only will sound good on my system.I am a musician [rock] but cant listen to rock on my system since rock recording engineers insist on compressing the shit out of every track, and then once again on final mix-down for good measure. I only listen to acoustic jazz on my system.Wish it were different,but untill rock recording techniques change,thats the way it's going to have to be.
I spent four years working two full time jobs to pay for my dream system. At $65,000 it sounds so damn good that I cant help but to listen. I dissapear into a world of unbeleivable sound. I agree with the couple of beers but even better is smoking a big fat joint. As good as my equipment sounds it cant compete with five dollars worth of weed. Its a great way to realax and the two together are a haven from the world.