The Beatles

What the hell is the fascination with the beatles??? Please can anyone tell me why anybody likes them??? They were horrible musicians, their music was sugarcoated pop with cute hooks and they took themselves to be serious music writers with a message. Beethoven would probably would have laughed
HUH?! Does anybody really still try to ride this hobby horse?? Beethoven is Beethoven, the towering genius of the classical age, the Beatles are what they are, a great pop group. Beethoven and the Beatles co-exist happily in my music collection, along with Bach and Steely Dan, Barber and the Clash, Mozart and the Beach Boys, Schubert and Talking Heads, Monteverdi and the Who, Purcell and the Pogues, Strauss and David Bowie, Bartok and Peter Gabriel, Vaugh-Williams and XTC, Faure and Aretha, Debussy and the Duke, Corigliano and Sam & Dave, etc. etc. etc. There is so much good music of all stripes out there to enjoy...we are all damn lucky to be yacking on our computers, comfortable and safe and warm and well fed, splitting hairs over musical taste and what to play on our high end audio gear! Peace on earth good will towards our fellow audiophiles - happy holidays!
PS: Especially for those of us of a "certain age", the Beatles were magic. Wonderful songwriters with something new and marvelous always up their collective recording sleeves. Joyous music makers, hip and witty commentators, they were the makers of the soundtrack of our lives. Like all great groups, they were greater than the sum of their individual parts, though they proved to be merely human in the end. If you are immune to the magic, fine. The Beatles really did change the world, if only the world of pop music. It's not required that one like them, but for anyone paying the slightest attention to popular culture, their importance should be self evident. I'm going to get off my soapbox now. Thank you. :-) Peace.
PPS: Tube groover, I'm *way* with you on Bruckner! Although I enjoyed singing the Te Deum, my classical collection goes from Brahms and Britten to Busoni, Buttersworth, Buxtehude, Byrd, Campra, et al. To each his own.
in his later years, beethoven wouldn't likely laugh 'cuz he couldn't much hear them. bet he could feel the soundwaves sweep over him, tho, as they do over me on every playing of the white album, sgt pepper, rubber soul and the rest. bet he would have smiled, as i smile when the first bars of "an die freude" are sung.
Hi Shubertmaniac, The Beatles as musicians is not what I find so very special. It was the music that the Beatles created that I find so very special. Hi Decay, wasn't it Clapton who made the guitar weep?