Amazing Solo Piano Recordings

I'm looking to get your oppinions on the best solo piano recordings available. Style or genre is not important as long as the recording is pristine, clear, open and in your oppinion AMAZING! Please if you can, state artist, label, etc., so we audiogoner's can buy 'em!
Agree with Boa2. A wonderful cd Vladimir Horowitz live at Carniegie Hall 1965,1966, 1968.
CBS M3K 44681
Mikhail Pletnev playing Mozart piano sonatas on DG.Divine music,great performance,emotinaly involved and very good recorded...
Wladimir Horowitz playing Scarlati sonatas if you believe in less is more and love Japanese Haiku poets this is the clasical piano version of a Haiku poem...
Any of the various Dick Hyman discs on Reference Recordings. Glenn Gould's recording of the Goldberg Variations.