Best Movie Soundtrack

I own a few soundtracks (At first sight, message in a bottle and Amadeus)and would like to know what other soundtracks might be good ones as well
'Requiem for a Dream' is a really good recent one. Angelo Badalamenti's 'Twin Peaks' and 'Lost Highway' are great. Trent Reznor produced sndtrks and, 'Trainspotting', and 'Doom Generation', also excellent. 'Showgirls' has some good cuts.
Check out Wild Things. I loved the music on the Gladiator soundtrack, but the palcement of instruments IMHO was awful. Therefore, I really don't listen to it anymore.
I second Amiee Mann's "Magnolia." If you like Lucinda Williams and you haven't heard this, or seen this crazy movie, you should fix that.

The soundtrack I listen to most is from "Waking Ned Devine." Music by Shaun Davey. Very, very good. (Excellent movie as well.)

Ry Cooder is bad to the bone. I would almost watch that mediocre movie "Southern Comfort" again, except I don't have to 'cause I bought "Music By Ry Cooder" which gives me my fix on his excellent movies scores.

