Fourplay ...yes please Jazz CD

Does anyone own this CD as well as their other works? I have this CD and like it a lot, but before rushing out to purchase their other stuff I would like to know if it is similiar to this album.

Also, if you own this CD, could you recommend some other artists very similiar?
You may have missed my point, Tireguy. I don't mind Smooth Jazz while riding in an elevator or as background music while walking through a Casino in Lost Wages. In fact, it is relaxing. But during a listening session? No way. That's when you bring out the Hank Mobley, Ben Webster, and Grant Green, (sending Kenny G back to the shopping mall). Remember, this is just my opinion. (And I did find ONE listenable song on the Fourplay "Best ..." CD).
Gotcha, in which case I would have to agree with you, I tend to enjoy driving-with unfamaliar people- listening to smooth jazz, tends to relax everyone and get things rolling(no pun intendid). I don't recall if I have ever sat and critically listened to it, it is entertaining and has its place, but doesn't contain content enough to try to envolve yourself with, nor does it have the fidelity/recording quality of your fore mentioned list.

This reminds me of the thread about Rap speakers, and a lot of people flamed me for saying "do you actually critically listen to that stuff?" now I am mearly trying to defend a purposeful(or at least possibly more porposefull then rap) music category and no one is here for back up, why is that? I believe Sean has made some very powerful coments on the rap speaker thread that all of you smooth jazz antagoniser's should read, I am not saying sell your jazz and get all smooth jazz but I am saying that it is a music catagory that deserves as much-or little respect- as rap would in the hi-fi corner.
Too bad Jazz Talk Bulletin Board at was shut down. This was THE place where jazz (yes, even Smooth jazz) was discussed in great detail. The majority of posters were NOT audiophiles, just jazz lovers. The truth is, smooth jazz doesn't take me to the emotional high, nor to the level that Be-Bop era music does. Considering the prices that many records from this era sell for, many others must feel the same way.

I believe that sometimes people mistake strong opinion for audio/music as snobbery. I am not a snob. I'm not trying to convert anyone to my tastes. Hell, I wish fewer folks liked Bop and Hard Bop, as it would lower the prices of rare items. You can purchase smooth jazz through Columbia House, I can't. I appologize if my past comments were taken to heart. Maybe the Smooth jazz/elevator music thing was out of line. Sorry.
You know I'm going to commend Brianw for taking the position he has. Sometimes my passion for vintage jazz gets the best of me. Tireguy was right..."to each there own" if smooth jazz moves you, then that's wonderful. But please try listening to Monk, Sun Ra, Art Pepper, etc., give it a shot. I too appologize for my strong remarks.
Kiwi no problem at all, I must admit I sometimes enjoy a debate and can get carried away with myself. I do enjoy the old and golden stuff, but appreciate the new as well, telling someone what music is "right" is like saying there is one cable that will work great in every system, fortunatly we are all different :)