Movies with...

Have you ever seen the movie where high end audio gear was displayed or played?
I've seen recently the movie not from the beginning where the student was bringing Martin Logan SL3 into the dorm room.:)
No idea what gear was being used or if it was ever shown, but the scene in Boogie Nights where they go to the drug dealer's house to rip him off - the guy has music cranked up in a heckuva nice place, and it really grabbed my attention. Made me wonder why everyone wouldn't want that in their house. -Kirk
Kthomas-they where jamming out to "My awesome mix tape #4" very cool scene, minus the 2 minute time period when it was just good old Marky Mark sitting there looking dumb. Speaking of Boogie Nights, who can forget Buck selling the audio gear, "cause if you want a system to do what you want, then yea you need the bass. And we do that here in the store the TK-421 upgrade, very small charge, do you feel that bass, it kicks" anyone who has that movie should watch that scene, very funny :)
Hi-Fedelity with John Cusak...not sure what he had but I seen NAD on the CD player and I believe he had a Marantz 8b...not sure but he had a lot of classic equiptment in his house
In the movie "What woman want", I remember seeing a system with Mark Levinson equipment and Revel speakers. If I remember correctly, Frank Sinatra was being played....gota love Frank!