Can the Magnum Dynalab MD 108 be beat?

I hear a lot of different preferences, but I get tired of hearing this particular tuner is tops (cost no object). I was very interested to know what others might think, etc.
Are there others that may not be so expensive, that could be moded, or upgraded, that could possibly stand toe to toe with this particular tuner? Or more yet, even stock?
Just extremely curious. Actually, I did talk to Don Scott, and he did say that, some tuners, after a mod, that could, but I still would like to hear from someone else?
Greggie: Your response is cogent and paints a much better picture of the differences than most I have read. You have good taste! Thanks!
Thanks Ivan. I read at Yahoo FM Tuners, and have learned what I suspected, that there are too many variables, to do with personal values, as in tuners. Not that there are things that are said, that can't be validated, but these percieved differences seem to more/less arguable, and better left alone.
I'd like to do a listening comparison between the McIntosh MR78 with Modaferri modification and the Dynalab MD108. It seems that these two tuners are on the top best list. But the MAC is old technology (1970s) and might not dial in a station as well (that was the only criticism I saw of it in user reviews). The issue of sound, color, stage, warm or cool, etc. is probably subjective and only a listening test can determine what you like. Specs will tell you nothing (I know this from experience).

Overall, my preference is for tube technology because of the more natural sound that I believe I hear.
im telling ya i own the Dynalab md108 and this is my 10 different fm tuner and my last it simply can not be beat.