I dont have anything that rises to a philosophy. Im more of a member of the Church of whats happening now. I think this is because everything in audio is such a compromise. The idea of going after The Absolute Sound seems ridicules (good advertising pitch though). If you just look at what we use for speakers (cones, ESL, etc) they are very imperfect. You cant have it all. I like what I have and then I listen to what someone else has put together and it gets something out of the music that I havent heard for awhile and it sounds good and I tweak. I dont think we audiophiles are monogamous. Its like your favorite food, you eat it every day and it gets a little stale.
Personally, I especially like dynamics and transient response lately. Actually for some time now. I tweak for that. This has led me to efficient speakers. Horns and single drivers, light cones without much excursion etc
Ive been on a little DIY tube binge too for a short while. Id like to come up with all sorts of philosophical reasons for liking SETS but in the end its just that they sound pretty good and are simple enough that even I can half understand it.
There is something about the first watt of power theory that seems interesting. I mean if you have a 90db and 100db sensitivity speaker what kind of power are you using?
90dbW/m speaker
Driven with 0.5 watts = 87dB
Driven with 0.25 watts = 84 dB
Driven with 0.125 watts = 81 dB
Driven with 0.0625 watts = 78 dB
Driven with 0.03125 watts = 75dB
Driven with 0.015625 watts = 72 dB
Driven with 0.0078125 watts = 69 dB (1/128th of a watt)
Driven with 0.003986 watts = 66 dB
Driven with 0.001953 watts = 63dB
Driven with 0.000976 watts = 60dB (about 1/1000th of a watt)
100dbw/m speakers
Driven with 0.5 watts = 97dB
Driven with 0.25 watts = 94 dB
Driven with 0.125 watts = 91 dB
Driven with 0.0625 watts = 88 dB
Driven with 0.03125 watts = 85dB
Driven with 0.015625 watts = 82 dB
Driven with 0.0078125 watts = 79 dB (1/128th of a watt)
Driven with 0.00390625 watts = 76 dB
Driven with 0.001953125 watts = 73dB
Driven with 0.000976563 watts = 70dB (about 1/1000th of a watt)
A medium room and normal levels (85db?), of course youre sitting a few feet away, but you're only using .03125 to .0625% of one watt. About 1/4th of a watt w/ 90db speakers
No wonder TWL is running that little single watt w/ Lowthers if it performs good down there. I remember reading a piece by Kurt Strain where he would optimize his amp circuits for different 1/10ths of the first watt depending on the speaker load and sensitivity! How many systems are optimized for that?
Oh, I almost forgot, I keep everything on bubblewrap!
PS: If anybody is interested in a list of DIY tube electronics related materials available on-line drop me an email. A couple of us are trying to put together intro/beginners material that, if we get our act together, will be posted over at VALVE magazine and we need some honest feedback.
I remain,