True story:
An enamoured audiophile led the adored one into his music room, to beguile her with some music, he had carefully selected before. The lady looked around and and accusingly said: "This room is full of electro-smog. I'll not sit here for a second". He was a man of consequence . He called her a taxi and never saw her again.
P.S. Albert, wrong! 1, 3,5,6 and 8 did. So there you are.
An enamoured audiophile led the adored one into his music room, to beguile her with some music, he had carefully selected before. The lady looked around and and accusingly said: "This room is full of electro-smog. I'll not sit here for a second". He was a man of consequence . He called her a taxi and never saw her again.
P.S. Albert, wrong! 1, 3,5,6 and 8 did. So there you are.