SEPT 11?

I thought I'd take a moment to see if fellow A'gonners had any special plans. For me it will be pretty much buisness as asual.

I intend to take a personal moment of silence however,
For the sake of courtesy, and the good of the site, I am going to let that subject lay, Pablo.
Writing from New York, I am very confused about the actual causes and the best solutions for the future.

At the risk of being flamed however, and with sadness and compassion for the families of the victims -- something doesn't sit quite right with me regarding a lot of the political pomp and ceremony which has followed the murdurous act of flying two planes into skyscrapers.

In my small, uneducated opinion, I don't think it was about middle eastern "jealousy" of the American lifestyle.

I would like to report, however, that it was very moving to stand on Park Avenue and 57th Street and watch this normally frantic, aggressive city pause for a moment of silence at 8:46.

About 40 construction workers of diverse backgrounds, gathered in grassy median to bow their heads, many wearing American flags as bandanas - a gentle gesture from the guys that build the tall buildings, standing strong and proud to consider themselves New Yorkers.

Good luck to all of you and your friends and families.
The crimes of September 11th were not brought about by jealousy, but hatred.

The resentment is born from the United States' support of Israel and its military presence in Saudi Arabia. Our freedom for all people, regardless of race, creed, sex, or thought only reinforces the hate.

Many people try to position themselves in a way that will benefit them out of the horror that took place. We, as free thinking people and Americans have the responsibility to try to analyze the events of that tragic day, and to determine a course of action to ensure that it is never repeated.

There is no room for false posturing or bravado, bullying, or wrongdoing in the name of right.

This year, on September 11th, I was overcome with emotion. For the first time in my life, I tasted a sense of what those that came before me feel every year on Pearl Harbor Day. A link between them and me was forged, as I got to walk a few feet in their shoes. My respect for them deepened.

We will never forget...

And, GOD BLESS AMERICA and all people everywhere