2 channel system, would a sub be friend or foe?

First of all let me say I am happy with the sound of my system, I do how ever have an opportunity to try a highly regarded sub in my system. To sub or not to sub that is the question?? The system is in the virtual systems- Tireguy's rig/system or something along those lines. I must admit I am skeptic about the sub, but ya never know! The other thing in the corner of my mind is saving a little more and upgrading to 20.1's from the 3.6's and that would end the debate :) what are your thoughts? ~Tim
You have come this far so don't muck it up with a sub. You have one killer system And the 20.1's will fill in that last little bit that you are looking for.
If your only trying, not buying, go ahead, it won't kill you. I've always felt it best to leave the whole frequency range in the hands of the speaker designer. IMHO, it is very difficult to blend a sub with speakers on music successfully. I've heard a lot of attempts, but subs should be left to HT use, again that's just my opinion. If it won't cost you anything, it wouldn't hurt to 'play' around with it a little. I would recommend using the lowest crossover level possible.

A sub would be a friend indeed. Especially for the Maggies which start to peter out at what 33Hz?

Of course it matters what sub and how musical it is. But there is a lot of musical info way below 33Hz that you are not hearing. And I'm talking classical and instrumental and folk and pop. Not to mention the organ.

My full range Aerial Acoustic 10T speakers are rated down to 28Hz before rolling off entirely somewhere around 21Hz. My sub goes down to 18Hz before rolling off.

It's amazing how the sub just adds a fuller and warmer demension and presentation to the music when called upon. And the 10T's are pretty wonderful at reproducing low bass on their own (given the right amp).

I don't care what music you're listening to (unless it's only folk guitar, tamborine, and picollo), you are missing much music way down under.