What was your greatest epiphany?

That one shining moment when everything first came together. When the heavens opened up, the clouds parted, the sun shone, and the angels began to sing.

For me, it was hearing music played through tubes for the first time, after a lifetime in the solid state wilderness. Even my wife came into the room and noticed how much better the music sounded. Carole King never sounded so good.
Two young ladies got in an arguement in a bar over who was the better "lovemaker" and selected me to tend to both of them immediately then pass judgement on who was more skilled.
I injured my left hip and my femur's end cartilage was damaged.

Oops, that was my greatest epiphysis.
About 9 years ago when the Lord spoke to me and led me into The truth, no doubt, the Angels were singing.

As for audio, in which I assume you were leading, recently adding a Concentra II to my system has made my audio 'come together', finally.