Best Bike to ride before a good listening session

Ellsworth Truth, of course
I've still got my old Cannondale Super V SL with full XTR & Crossride wheels.. It's a beast but I just can't seem to destroy it. I can come home in pieces but the bike just won't die..

It climbs well for a bike of its size - around 28-30 lbs.. But with those older FS rigs you need to learn how to pedal to reduce that annoying bob.

An Ellsworth would be REALLY nice!

I always thought that an Id would be better for me than a Truth. I figured I was just too heavy (225 lbs) to smash around a Truth..
Jdr999, just up the pressure in the shock! ; )

I'm probably 190, although I'd like to believe 180, and haven't had a spot of trouble. Although riding today, I decided I definitely needed to lube the joints... You could hear me creaking a 1/2 mi. away.

Klein? Won't touch one. Not after my buddy broke one... All I hadda do was saw off the top tube and got a nice stool out of it...
Well, I ride a Santa Cruz Heckler offroad and I ride an Airborne Zepplin Titanium Road bike and sometimes my 1988 Mino Dente Master w/full Campy Super Record Groupo. The Zep is sweet, but the Dente is special. It was a 20 lb. Columbus SL bike in 1988, which was VERY light at the time. Italian masterpiece!!!

Enjoy the ride!!

So...we've got a couple of Klein fans. I use to ride an '93 Adroit (Gator-linear fade, full XTR, pre Trek days) for 8 yrs. up until 2 years ago when I bougth the Seven. The aluminum ride just got too harsh for me. I still have the frame ' coz it's art!
Yeah, those Merlins are sweet but I just wanted something a "little" different. Seven does not charge extra for custom fit so I figured I found my bike. Rob Vandermark is "da s#%t" when it comes to designing a frame.
Gunbei, I had a Schwinn Pea Picker but I sold it for $1200 on ebay to finance my LeMond ti bike.

And I'd just like to say that you can keep all those stupid mountain bikes with their idiotic suspensions that are constantly breaking down and requiring maintenance on a regular basis. Sure, going out and crashing into trees and falling on your head is lots of fun, but it sounds like Edesilva has taken the plunge a few too many times... Gee mom, look at me, I can do tricks -- watch me hop that crater, land in a cow pie, eat dirt and weeds, and crash my bike on the big rock. Oh, what fun. :)

Also, all the mountain bikers I know are just as pretentious as the roadies, please let's not kid ouselves about that.