Best Bike to ride before a good listening session

Ellsworth Truth, of course
Jamis Eureka ...fitted with hybrid tires for pounding the W/OD Trail. Did I mention you can ride to the Old Dominion brewery from this trail :)

Happy Trails my Friends!
The one Floyd Landis jumped on in the middle of today's epic TDF stage. It must have been magic because he really "pulled on out of his, uhh, hat" today!

BTW, for anyone that cares about bicycle racing, what Floyd did today is nearly unimaginable!


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It has now been 22 months since my accident. Since then I have had 18 surgeries and lost my right lower legÂ…What is left of my CT1 still hangs in my office.

But do not despair for me! I am happier then ever and relatively healthy. I even went for my first (short) bike ride a few weeks ago. I finally got back to work some 13 months after the accident and even found a new and better job a couple of months after that. My wife and I are in the process of adopting our first child for which we are very very excited.

My systems sound better then ever and I am still reviewing for Positive Feedback...

Funny how spending a month in intensive care fully intibated with your family and friend surrounding you every moment of the day can change your life for the better!!