Best Bike to ride before a good listening session

Ellsworth Truth, of course
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Unfortunately, up here in the North East (Nova Scotia), the mornings are getting real nippy for ridign. Single digit Celsium at 0600 for our morning group rides. Even my 0700 am ride today felt cold with my arm warmers and vest. But, it is still great getting out on the bike. Hard to believe the summer is almost over. Before we know, it will be pretty cold and I will appreciate the heat coming off my Lamm 1.2's. For now, I haven't had much time to listen to music, as I'm riding more and going to bed early so I can get some early rides in before work.

Next week, I off to Barcelona for work. I will be stopping in Girona for a couple of days before the meeting to ride some of the training rides of the American riders (Armstrong, Hincapie, Landis, Hamilton, Barry etc. ) I guess I won't need a map ... just follow the EPO and testosterone vials by the side of the road. Too bad I won't have my new Cervelo R3 to take with. (still on order) Perhaps it will arrive a week after my return.

Riding in Girona
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