How much does your system retail for?

$23,000 - $24,000 I estimate. (Two channel, this does not include TV, VCR, etc.)

Please, keep the exagerations to a minumum, do not count CD's, equipment you have bought and sold, is packed away that you don't use anymore, etc..

Put the total first so it shows up at the begining of your post.

This is just for fun and curiosity of the diversity on here, don't take it to seriously. Simply evaluate what the retail value of your system is.
10K canadian dollars for a system and cables worth 27 K US mrsp. Great sound, classic components, pure enjoyment and envious visitors. All bought used but good for many many years with proper care.

Add 2K$ for full collection of NOS tubes and extra cables.
Bad question. If you do it right, you can build a very good sounding system on the cheap.

I wonder how many of the big spenders listen to records as their primary source. Analogue still rules in both audio and photography. (On the photo side, I'll put my 6x6 Hasselblad with Zeiss optics up against anything photo-digital. And, yes, I have rented and tested the digital back for the Hasselblad. One word in response -- film.) On audio, I am not talking cheap phono; spend a little on the phono source, like $4k for turntable, tonearm, and cartridge. That's a very good start. You could spend half that and have a very decent start. And, you'll get a source that surpasses most digital easily. Spend enough on analogue and digital will never touch it. Analogous word in response -- vinyl.

Here's a question in response to your question -- why this question? Are you a marketing guy looking for demographic stats?
About $66 000 Aussie dollars retail paid around $38 000 in it's current state for 2 channel front of house not including AV or computer sound systems but including current room treatment band- aids. This thread made me add it all up for the first time so I am feeling a little dizzy and seriously questioning my mental health at the moment. But I don't think about upgrading anymore even though I have $20 000 worth of parts stored away to build the 250 watt rms/ch active valve amps and crossovers. These have not been included in the final retail costing otherwise I would be spending far more on medication and down time with a good therapist. Sounds awesome right now to me though.
Hey Bicycle_man you can do things even cheaper if you really want to. One of my friends built his own turntable from scratch. Magnetically suspended and mu-metal shielded with a marble plinth. The bronze alloy CNC machined platter weighs in at 28Kg and features teflon sleeved bearing housings. Admittedly we have lathes and a few friends who are engineers. The total cost to build was about $1700 by scrounging and networking. Uses various motors poached from other decks. His set of tonearms were a barter for some gardening work for an old lady whose audio nut husband had died and she had no use for being deaf as a post. These included a JH Audiolab formula 4, Some Kazumi look alike that is very well made and the original Mission 774. He is currently looking at upgrading by building his own phono stage for about $500 in parts. Cartridge is an Ortofon something Bronze MC. This remains one of the best turntables I have ever heard after 30 years in audio. Problem is some of us don't have the time to do what my friend did. In answer to your question I doubt anyone could discern a useful demographic from the question as it will by its very nature attract a particular mindset and that negates the randomness. I enjoy as a side hobby putting together systems for friends who let's say are financially challenged. System 1 Tannoy HPD 12 inch in marine ply cabinets and a Yamaha 100 w/ch/rms receiver Swapped the Tannoy's that I picked up for $400 for 2 years supply of freshly caught fish [He is an amazing fisherman] and the receiver cost him 100 bucks. System 2 $40 garage sale no name OK DIY speakers, Pioneer quadrophonic receiver [given to me free and passed on for the same] and an amazingly good NEC cd player, $10 at the local junk shop. The old RCA speaker outputs required custom cables that cost $10 more to make than the whole system. My point is I do not think you can objectively judge other peoples motives by your own bias. I found the post an interesting insight. I am a part time musician and I invested what I did because I love music not some base motive to bloat my ego about how much I spent which considering the performance is still inexpensive. The rest of what you had to say I totally agree with including the film vs digital camera analogy. I hope this won't be seen as off topic but I see a need to question the questioning of the question. God that sounds ridiculous! Cheers with tongue firmly planted in cheek.