Best of Audiogon Members

Gold member "audiogoners" who have most advanced your knowledge of AUDIO/MUSIC with their posts and answers (yet have no commercial interest), members who have taken their precious time to answer your emails and more, members who make this site what it is,........the BEST AUDIOGONER'S.
I'll start with a couple with many to follow: Golden_ears, Ceol, Tireguy, Rlips.....
Mikelavigne, Lakefrontroad, Mes, Gladstone, Jayctoy to name the few that come to mind with out any thought.

Pro's who I have learned a lot from Albertporter, Twl, Tok20000, Geoff_Kait and most influential person on my system Jtinn- with every suggestion I become much closer to musical bliss.

There are countless other's who I have become friends with over the years it would be impossible to name everyone. I don't think any ONE person makes this place great, its the diversity and willingness to learn paired with everyone being in pursuit of greater musical enjoyment. I am proud to be a contributing member here, if you can help one person get closer to there audio nirvana- bringing joy into there life- how can you NOT offer help? The world is so messed up today, a community like this is unheard of, and for the most part self-governing- its a model for what society should be like. Anyone in doubt look at the recent thread about Pat(Lugnut).

But as usual I digress..... these were just my late night ramblings.
There are many members who have been helpful and friendly. Shoot an email to most audiogoners and they'll generally take the time to reply (unless they happen to have ruthless email filters!)

Mike Lavigne, Tireguy, Panorama have taken the most time to share their experiences with me (or perhaps it's because I bother them the most). Jtinn, although he does not fit into your criteria as he has commercial interests, has always given me advice without much regard to what he carries.

I think there's an "expert" for every musical tastes around here, so you'll easily find someone who is knowledgeable and shares similar tastes and thus their advice becomes invaluable.
This is very helpful. You can look up these members and read their posts/answers to reap their vast knowledge and experience.