Top ten DD turntables of all time?

I'm getting back into vinyl and need some suggestions. Please don't suggest belt drives!!! Better yet, let's mention only vintage DD turntables, since I feel they are superior to anything being manufactured today.
I own an early 80s era Empire 698. Quality to the core with touch sensitive lift. I am running a Sonus Blue Label calibrated and the pair make for flawless audio repro. I got one of the last and best. CDs and CD players made their entry shortly after. Watch the news, vinyl is making a comback!
I think there are some who might disagree with you that the Goldmund Studio is the ONLY ONE direct drive high-end turntable. I can think of a few actually.
The later (and better) model Studios and Studiettos, use a JVC PLL quartz-controlled motor. The other makes that T_bone mentions are every bit as good as the Goldmunds.

I bought my Studietto (20 yrs. ago!) because I like Swiss industrial design better than Japanese industrial design; the Goldmund performed well, but not as well as some of the Japanese DD's (like the big Denons) until I replaced the spring suspension with sorbothane. Now its performance is truly sensational!
my pioneer PL530 has always functioned well. setup w/litz wiring & denon carbon fiber headshell.