BEST 90's Audio Gear that holds its own today.

Your list if any.
I agree with Onhwy61...pretty much everything should still hold it's own, maybe even some of the digital stuff?

I own some 90's gear so will mention those:

Krell Ksa-250/Amp
Apogee Duetta Signatures/Speakers
Audioprism Mantissa/Tubed pre-amp

dCS Elgar - debuted in 1996 and still in production with minor software changes and the addition of Firewire input.

Marantz CD-7.

YBA Integre amplifier.

Sonus Faber Extremas.
Hey Jvogt, The infinity speakers do NOT hold up,
because the foam has rotted by now.
Do you have Beta speakers? If so, when did you
replace the foam?