Incidentally, red-fruit-guy, do you know the guy that built the cylindrical arrayed "full range" ribbon speaker that was footnoted in an issue of HFN&RR about 2 years ago? (That's where I saw it, anyway.) It was a prototype, and he used like four hundred Neodymium magnets. HE WAS FROM NEW ZEALAND. (BTW, my grandparents once vacationed there, it'd probably be a nice place if it weren't for fruit people like you.) Anyhow, it intrigued my speaker design sensibilities. Perhaps you could borrow an Australian Navy friggett, and bring me a pair of those speakers to try...You wouldn't need fuel, just stand on the bow, face backwards, and start talking about whatever you talk about down there (how stupid we yanks are, etc.)...heh heh. G'Day, mate...