Bi wire to single post question

This may be elementary to some, but I am not sure what to do.

I have a pair of MIT cable that have single post to plug into amp (red and black) that then run to a "modulator" that splits out to a high and low output (I.e. 4 banana plugs, red and black/high and low). I now want to connect these cables to a speaker that does not have 4 post, just two. What is the best way to connect? Combine the high and low output into a single banana plug, making one for red and one for black? Or is there a better way to do it?
You should use different cables. I don't think combining the high and low at the speaker end will sound right. It might be a good idea to call MIT and see if they have a solution for you.
What you want to do would be fine.I did that when I went from a bi-wire to a single post speaker.
"07-06-15: Yogiboy
What you want to do would be fine.I did that when I went from a bi-wire to a single post speaker."

Its not that simple. Under normal circumstances, you're correct. His MIT cables have a network box. Out of the box comes a connection for the highs and lows. Its not just a double biwire. What comes out of the highs on the network box is different than what comes out of the lows. If he doubles up, it probably won't sound right.