Tubegroover, you are certainly entitled to your opinion and I respect it but I must disagree with you as well. The SRS tl (trilaminate tweeter) was an upgrade from the original series, don't know whether you heard that one or not. The crossover was also changed. I heard both and the original was no doubt bass heavy. The later model was a different speaker altogether. You can't get these obviously and believe me I'm not trying to sell you or anyone else on their merit. I will say that in my system they sound great. Open and airy with excellent midrange and tight bass. I've had 3-5K speaks in the room (aeriels, ML, Vany 3's) and they can't displace the Polks - it will take a bigger investment which I will no doubt make one day. I had a dealer/friend in my room and he was pleasantly surprised, instead of trying to sell me speakers now he working on a CJ ART pre or 16. Good listening.