The Best Audio Dealer

My vote for the best dealer award goes to Mario,owner of TOYS FROM THE ATTIC This guy helped me break into analog.I made alot of mistakes because "Dave,you don't listen" Any way Mario was always to the rescue.He,over the phone has helped me build an awesome sounding stereo.He has always given me the Best price and I know he hasnt made much money from me.He calls me on occasion to see "whats up" I have never met the man or been to his shop because its over 300 miles away
Duke Lejune of Audio Kinesis has been as wonderful. He Knows what he is talking about and if he doesn't know something researchs before he advises. Great prices and his customer support is second to none. I have dealt with many of the above posted companies most are fine! Duke has Soundlab, Atma-Sphere, Thor, Magnan and Wolcott. Probably has more but these are the ones I know of. Hey good luck in your shopping 504-866-1730
I have had very good luck dealing here in Birmingham,AL with Likis Audio. They will let you take their demo's home and see how you like the piece in your own room with your own equipment. As stated earlier though Birmingham is a mid sized town and not all brands or even most of them are available here. Dunlavy-no,Cary-no,Sonic Frontiers and Theil-yes but in Huntsville 75 miles away. Also you can add Legacy Audio to the list of factory direct products. People seem to have strong opinions about them but I have had excellent results from their speakers. No experience with their electronics but they are made by Coda. They will also line up an audition for you if anyone near you has bought their equipment and agreed to host an occasional audition. This is how I got to hear the Focus before I bought them.
This one is easy ... John at Audio Connection in Verona, NJ (1-973-239-1799). John has all the requisites for nomination for this most prestigious award ... knowledge/ patience/ willingness to teach/ honesty/ etc. But, what separates him from the pack is his unabashed ENTHUSIASM and LOVE for music.
I have had success dealing with Likis as well. Scottagee, pls E-mail. I have a question regarding the Focus.
Hawthorne's in Seattle is one of my favorite shops, but for the best, you have to go down to Arizona Tube Audio.