BEST SALESPERSON LENNY FROM LYRIC HI-FI HANDS DOWN!!!!!LET'S CLONE LENNY.My vote goes to Lenny from Lyric Hi-FI in NYC. I stumbled into his shop with my skateboard at age 14 with a ripped t-shirt dirty jeans with some Doors records. He took me seriously as a customer even though I bought nothing from him the first day. Then later I was shopping for a tape deck and went in comparing a Dual c-830 from Borgers Audio on 2nd ave. vs Lyric's entry level Nakamichi. Lenny told me to get the Nak or a Tandberg he had used. I should have listened to him. The Dual was in the shop more than it was in my system. Then I bought a Mitsubish receiver and Infinity Speakers from Borgers. System blew up due to low impedance Infinity speakers the 2nd day. It was in and out of the shop for months blowing up after getting it back a few days later each time. I made Borgers take back the Mitsubishi and Bought a used Bryston 4B from Lenny for $1000. Lenny told me I wouldn't lose money on the Bryston.... he was right -many many years later I sold it for $1850. Lenny also sold me a used Apt Holman which I sold many years later for what I got it for. I never have been steered wrong by Lenny. He never sold me anything bad... his service was impeccable. He is a man of his word. The only thing I regret is hearing a set of speakers at his shop and later buying them used instead of from him. Still the speakers have served me well for 20 years... and that is a debt I feeel I owe Lenny. He makes sure his systems produce real magic. I have been to lots of other High end dealers who use the most expensive stuff out there in super fancy listening rooms that are actually courted by manufacturers who can not produce any magic with their systems. One other nice dealer is on Thayer st. In Providence. real magic- real cheap -good simple systems and service haven't bought anything from them but I think they are one of the better shops in New England. But in terms of a person taking you seriously, remembering your system after many years, and what you spoke about and what you listened to last Lenny is the Master Salesperson. My feeling is that all these negative posts on the web about audio wouldn't exist if we could clone Lenny from Lyric. LEnny is realistic about the audio business he knows he has to please your ears first before he can make a sale, and will not try and intimidate you or belittle you into a purchase like some others. Nor will he try to "guilt" you into making a purchase or whine about time spent with you. He also won't waste your time with small talk or try and sell you on the technology rather than the sound, or the "designer pedigree" of a product. He will please your ears, wallet and visual senses and treat all of his customers with respect.